In the context of 200th anniversary of Peru's independence, it must be recognized and valued the ethnic and multicultural wealth that makes up the republic, because these are fundamental elements of Peruvian identity. Afro-Peruvian population has contributed, with its legacy, resilience and heritage, to national imaginary construction; however, its presence has been unvalued and even made invisible. Thus, this exhibition promotes reflection on the visual representation of the Afro-descendant community; it features a selection of photographs made at three different times of our republican history: Estudio Courret's Afro-Peruvian portraits of wet nurses, made between 1879 and 1912; Lorry Salcedo Mitrani's portraits of El Carmen community, in Chincha, between 1985 and 1996; and Martín Alvarado Gamarra's DIA 100 project, the most extensive compilation of Afro-Peruvian portraits.

These photographic archives exhibition stand out Afro-descendants historical and socio-cultural conditions in our country, and they ponder about our differences and our past and present. We believe in the possibility of a common future that fully integrates the Afro-Peruvian community, values its presence, and preserves its heritage, identity, and cultural wealth. Besides, complementary activities section is oriented to contextualize their history, problems, and agency, fostering a critical reflection.


Let's promote reflection and dialogue about the Afro-Peruvian community, its development through our republican history, its problems, its cultural richness, and its resistance.


Let's dive into social, ethnic and cultural relations and the role played by Afro-Peruvian women in 19th and 20th centuries society.

"El Estudio Courret y la fotografía de las amas de leche afroperuanas de fines del XIX" ["Courret Study and Afro-Peruvian wet nurses photos from the late 19th century"]
Carlos Estela Vilela. Litterateur
"Los afrodescendientes en los inicios de la república y la configuración de la identidad afro en el siglo XX" ["Afro-descendants at the beginning of republic and Afro identity configuration in the 20th century"]
Maribel Arrelucea Barrantes. Historian

What does it mean to be Afro-Peruvian? How was this category built? We evaluate the recent past and the possibilities of a common future that fully integrate the Afro-Peruvian community

"Identidad y herencia cultural. La agenda pendiente para una ciudadanía plena, sin discriminación ni racismo" ["Identity and cultural heritage. The pending agenda for full citizenship, without discrimination or racism"]
Sofía Carillo Zegarra. Journalist and activist
"Las condiciones históricas y socioculturales de las denominación negro y afroperuano" ["Historical and sociocultural conditions of black and Afro-Peruvian appellations"]
Newton Mori Julca. Historian
Curatorial research:

Roger A. Cáceres Atocha

Flor de María Godo Balarezo

Graphic design:

Judith León

Teach lead:

Luis Castillo

Web developer:

Hans Huiza

Sign language interpreter:

Daniel Rodríguez

Video Edition:

Jesús Ramírez

Peruvian Sign Language Interpreter:

Laura Montes

We would like to express our sincere thanks to:

Martín Alvarado

Miluska Alzamora

Maribel Arrelucea

Sandy Arrué

Sofía Carrillo

Carlos Estela

Jonathan Garbay

Daniel Giannoni

Newton Mori

Luis Muro

Sofía Pachas

Lorry Salcedo

Patricia Soto

Mary Takahashi

Biblioteca Nacional del Perú
Pinacoteca Municipal Ignacio Merino. Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Arts